General News
Published August 19, 2019
Helpful tip: Premera offers content 3 ways for every topic
For each topic in our employee communications center we provide three text options. This content shows a long, medium, and short versions of messaging for each topic to help you communicate healthcare benefits and offerings to your employees.
Why is this helpful?
- No need to create content on your own. We’ve done it for you on more than 40 topics.
- You use this content in a monthly newsletter, email blast, text message, internal website, or however you want to.
- The various lengths make it easy to copy and paste the information that best works for you and apply it to various media to communicate to employees.
What is the Employee Communications Center?
This online library provides information that makes it easy for you to support your employees in getting the most out of their healthcare benefits. You get ready-to-share, downloadable content that helps your employees better understand their health plan
and costs.
For each topic, we provide:
- Flyers and poster that you can customize with your logo and plan details
- Email templates you simply open and send
- Text options you can copy, paste, and share — long, medium, and, short versions are available
Learn more
To get to this valuable online library, sign in to the secure employer website and follow the link to the Employee Communications
Center. Select the categories you want to explore in the left-hand menu. Choose your topics from the right-hand menu.
New topics
We recently added the following topics to the Employee Communications Center.
- General behavioral health: For support during difficult times, your employees can turn to Premera’s broad network of behavioral health professionals.
Check out the new topics by logging in to your secure employer account and selecting the link to the Employee Communications