Nadja Hipszer Appointed as Director of Alaska Sales

  • General News
    Published June 9, 2022

    Nadja Hipszer’s new role as director of Alaska Sales is a clear display of her passion for the state and the next step in an already impressive career with Premera.

    When asked about what makes her most excited about this role Hipszer said, “Our producer and employer partners are an integral part of the success of our communities and I’m taking this as an opportunity to really lean into those relationships and ensure their needs are brought to the forefront.”

    In this role Nadja will have the opportunity to apply and extend nationwide initiatives to support the people of Alaska. “Our work with the University of Alaska Anchorage’s College of Health, where we showcase the many career paths available in behavioral health is just one example of how we can support national efforts at the local level”, said Hipszer.

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