Redesigned Explanation of Benefits Launches in February

  • General News
    Published February 11, 2019

    In late February, Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska customers will receive redesigned explanation of benefits (EOB) letters. These letters are the biggest touchpoint between Premera and your clients, which is why we took steps to improve the customer experience.

    Key changes focus on making the EOB easier to understand, one of the top ten drivers of Premera customer satisfaction.

    Based on in-depth research, the EOB improvements address the most common customer questions:

    Is their provider in or out of network? The EOB now clearly states the provider's name at the top of the letter with the notation of "in-network" or "out-of-network."
    Who do they need to pay and how much? The letter visually highlights the amount the customer owes and explains that the provider will bill the customer for that amount.
    What is their deductible and out-of-pocket maximum (OOPM)? Easy-to-read graphs show a summary of the customer’s deductible and OOPM. This is one of the most common questions customer service representatives are asked every day.
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