The September 19 Live Alaska Wellness Academy Registration Is Open

  • Group Market News
    Published August 12, 2019

    For your fully insured group clients as well as self-funded group clients with a 2019 plan start date

    The Alaska Wellness Academy offers your small and large group clients access to a series of interactive workshops. These workshops provide tips and tools they can use to help their organization and employees thrive.

    The next live academy is September 19, 2019, from 8 to 11:30 a.m. This academy session will inspire your group clients to explore what the latest science says about the relationship between weight and health, including:

    • How most of what we’ve been taught about weight gain is wrong
    • Why weight is a poor target for wellness programs
    • What we can do to help our employees thrive regardless of their weight

    Employers received an email invitation from Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska on August 8 to register for this academy session. Registration ends by 5 p.m. on September 11, 2019.

    Don't let your clients miss this opportunity

    Remind your clients to reserve their seat! Send them this link to register now.

    *Vivacity is an independent company that provides wellness programs and consulting on behalf of Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska.

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