April 1, 2022
Targeted for the end of second quarter of 2022, Premera providers will gain access to a new online prior authorizations experience on the Availity Essentials provider portal. The Availity prior authorization tool simplifies the submission process, so
you won’t need to fax, mail, or call in your requests.
Highlights include:
- Inpatient and Outpatient Prior Authorizations: Complete and submit inpatient and outpatient prior authorizations and get real-time responses for your Premera members.
- Auth/Referral
Dashboard: View all submitted prior authorization requests and statuses from a single page and use filtering options to prioritize.
- Auth/Referral Inquiry Tool: Check on the status of your requests.
- Premera Code Check: Enter a procedure code to see if prior authorization is required.
- Attachments: Add documents to your request.
Learn more with a free webinar
Join us for a webinar on Tuesday,
May 24 to learn how easy it is to use the prior authorization tool. To prepare for this live training, make sure you have the Authorization and Referral Request and Authorization and Referral Inquiry roles. If you need these roles assigned to you,
contact your Availity Essentials Administrator.
Register for training today