Care Gap Outreach for Federal Employee Members

  • July 1, 2021

    Approximately 9,050 FEP members in eastern Washington and Alaska received one of the following:

    1. A letter about the cancer screening they are due for, if they are due for only ONE of the following:
    • Breast Cancer Screening
    • Cervical Cancer Screening
    • Colorectal Cancer Screening


    1. A scorecard if they are due for 2 or more of the following:
    • Diabetic HbA1c Testing
    • Breast Cancer Screening
    • Cervical Cancer Screening
    • Colorectal Cancer Screening

    The scorecard has personalized messaging. If members have not received a screening or test, more information about it will appear, likewise, if members have received a screening or test, a quick “congratulations” message will appear.

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