When dentally necessary, anesthesia in the dental office will need to be billed under the patient’s dental plan, instead of the medical plan. General anesthesia given in a hospital or ambulatory surgical center for dental procedures will still be covered under the patient’s medical benefit, when medically necessary.
When services are performed in a dental provider’s office, anesthesia that meets dental necessity criteria will be covered under dental benefits when available under the member’s benefit.
When services are performed in a hospital or ambulatory surgery center, general anesthesia that meets medical necessity criteria will be covered under medical benefits when available under the member’s benefit plan.
Medical and dental necessity criteria for general anesthesia for dental procedures
General anesthesia in the dental provider’s office is considered dentally necessary only if the patient is under the age of 7 and/or disabled physically or developmentally.
General anesthesia is considered medically necessary when:
- The member is under the age of 7 (or 19, based on member’s benefit structure) or is disabled physically or developmentally and has a dental condition that can't be safely and effectively treated in a dental office or
- The member has a medical condition in addition to the dental condition needing treatment. The attending provider finds that this medical condition would create an undue medical risk if the treatment weren't done in a hospital or ambulatory surgical center.
When requesting reimbursement for general anesthesia under the medical benefit, follow CPT guidelines and submit your charges on a medical claim form (the most common code is 00170). Anesthesia for medical services should be reported on one line item with total minutes in the unit's field. If more than one anesthesia line is billed for the same date of service, only the first anesthesia services is allowed and all others will be denied.
When requesting reimbursement for anesthesia under the dental benefits plan, submit your charges following the CDT guidelines (see instructions under Billing Instructions).
Note that criteria for medical necessity and dental necessity apply to the use of general anesthesia.