3 tips to choose the right health plan for your business

choosing small business health plan Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Choosing your business’ first health plan is a huge accomplishment. It means your company’s growing. It’s seen success. But more importantly, it means you can now offer the employees who’ve helped you succeed a plan that protects their health.

You want a plan that offers the right coverage at the right price for your business. Even if this isn’t your first time selecting a health plan, these tips will help.

Partner with a trusted agent

Navigating different health plans and their separate offerings is an insurance agent’s job. Agents often sell plans from many health insurance companies. A trusted agent will represent your best interest, save you time, and help you save money by making sure your company has a plan tailored to its needs. Premera works with a variety of insurance agencies as well as employing its own agents to make sure businesses have a range of options.


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Understand the tax benefits

Offering health coverage to your employees reduces your taxable income because it excludes premiums for employer-offered coverage. That’s money back into your pocket. Did you know if you employ 25 or fewer employees, you also might be eligible to receive a healthcare tax credit?

Also, offering your employees a health savings account (HSA) that you contribute to has many savings benefits. You can write off your contributions as business deductions. Your employees’ contributions are pre-tax expenses, which reduces their taxable income. Employees who manage their own healthcare costs through HSAs are smarter healthcare consumers, saving you both more in the long run. Premera offers several plans to businesses that include HSAs, along with high-deductible health plans, to give you this flexibility.

Get additional benefits

Covering your employees’ healthcare is huge, but what about other benefits? Wellness programs make up another big part of the health puzzle. Good health extends far beyond healthcare. Give your employees access to programs that will help them stay healthy, avoid costly medical expenses, and also help foster a productive work environment. Premera offers a wellness program at no additional cost. It gives your employees access to online health assessments, wellness resources, and rewards for staying healthy.

Other important benefits your health plan should offer:

  • 24-hour care: Your employees should have access to care whenever it’s needed. For example, Premera plans include a 24-Hour NurseLine that provides help to our customers from registered nurses.
  • Virtual care: Telemedicine is growing in popularity. Visiting a doctor over the phone or online can be huge in a pinch. Premera partners with Teladoc on employer health plans to make sure your employees have access to a variety of care options available anytime.
  • Dental care: Did you know dental health is connected to overall health? Getting a health plan that’s integrated with a dental plan can save both time and money. Conveniently manage both at the same time: 1 card, 1 bill, 1 customer service team.

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