
  • Fonts

    We use the fonts from our stylesheets and do not use custom fonts. The font is "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; Font-size is 14px

    Headings - title or sentence case?

    • The h1s are title case - every word begins with a capital letter. EXAMPLE: Individual and Family Plans in Washington.
    • The following words should not be capitalized in title case copy:
      • Articles (a, an, and the), except if they appear at the start of the line
      • Coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
    • All other headings are sentence case: The first word and proper nouns begin with a capital letter. EXAMPLE: Individual and family plans in Washington

    Heading 1 - h1 - #00a1c4

    Heading 1 is based off the page title and is automatically added to the page. Do not add another to the content.

    Heading 2 - h2 - #006bb7

    Heading 3 - h3 - #00a1c4

    Heading 4 - h4 - #00a1c4

    Heading 5 - h5 - #00a1c4

    Link Color - #f26721  

    Bulleted lists

    Bulleted lists should be used for a minumum of 3 items. Single space between the items.

    In order to have a list without bullets, add class="unstyled" to the ul 

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
    • Item 4

    Small text

    Small text can be used sparingly to downplay some content or make it less noticeable. It should not be used for looks alone, or to fit content into a small space. It looks like this:
     Your quiet text here - Your quiet text here