
  • Need dental or vision coverage?

    Need dental or vision coverage?

    You can add our Adult Health Plan for dental and vision coverage at any time.

    Shop for dental or vision plans
  • Design and content

    The jumbotron photo and text should support each other. For example, in the photo below, a dental-related photo would help strengthen the messaging.

    Image size

    Images should be 650px × 211px

    Sentence capping

    To maximize readability, please use sentence capping for the jumbotron headers AND subheads, NOT title capping. (Capitalize the first word and proper nouns only; do not cap each word.)

    Header copy maximum (including spaces)

    40 characters
    In the above example, it's 31 characters. ("Need dental or vision coverage?")

    Subhead copy maximum (including spaces)

    100 characters
    In the above example: 78 characters ("You can add our Adult Health Plan for dental and vision coverage at any time.")

    Call to action

    Aim for 3-4 words. Omit punctuation.

    Note: Using a button for the call to action instead of a link would help to promote better click-through. Bootstrap work is likely needed to optimize the appearance of buttons on mobile (they currently stretch out indefinitely to the right side). The above example is too long—6 words. ("Shop for dental or vision coverage.") "Shop now" or "View plans" would be better.

    More information on jumbotrons