General News
Published March 15, 2021
What your employees want to know about their health plan benefits is all in one place. On B'link, you'll find hundreds of pieces of content. Each topic
includes a variety of resources, such as:
- Flyer: Send digitally over email or post in your company breakroom.
- Email template or copy: Send this right away to your employee distribution list.
- Content 3 ways: Copy the block of content that best meets the needs for your employee newsletter, television, or company intranet.
PRO TIP: The Search Box

Looking for a particular topic? Use the search box in the top right-hand corner of the B'link homepage. Just enter in key words that describe what you're looking for.
Example: You want to tell your employees about how to access the virtual care options included in your plan. Type "virtual care" in the search box and either press the enter key on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass icon in the search box. B'link will then show you all the topics about virtual care. Try it out!
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keep improving B'link to make it a site our employer groups want to visit again and again.