General News
Published January 14, 2019
Using the secure employer website can be easy and fast.
If you are the plan administrator for your company and you have set up your group account on the secure employer website, follow these three tips to make using the secure website easier.
- If you get locked out of your account or forget your password, you can help yourself
If you unsuccessfully try to remember your password and get locked out of the secure employer website– you can help yourself without making a call. On the Employer Login page, select reset your password and follow the instructions.
- Permissions are based on role
As the plan administrator, you determine who gets access to the secure site and what they can see or do once inside by assigning users one of four roles: group administrator, HR user, report user, financial user.
- You can add a new user or delete a userin about 15 seconds.
To give someone access to the secure employer website, you just need the first and last name and email address of the user, plus about 15 seconds. To remove access rights for someone, you need just 15 more seconds. When you delete a user, you remove only their access to the secure employer website – you will not impact the other services they might have permission to access.

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