Regular Dental Care Can Translate to Significant Healthcare Savings

  • July 14, 2022

    Findings from a recent study  conducted at the Mayo Clinic suggest that regular dental care leads to better health outcomes and improved healthcare cost savings, particularly among patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease.

    The study’s takeaways reflect those found in several other studies reminding us of the mouth-body connection, and how preventive oral health care promotes overall health.   

    This mouth-body connection is pivotal to the Premera dental strategy.

    Stand-alone dental plans assist with financing dental treatment and emphasize extensive networks and incremental discounts. However, even if a stand-alone dental plan’s network includes every practicing dentist, the absence of medical data can leave unmet care gaps with folks who have chronic medical conditions.

    At Premera, when we designed our dental plans, we applied our extensive knowledge of medical plans with the importance the preventive care benefit. Our dental plans effectively complement our medical plans, so employers bundling these coverages together realize a better approach to promoting whole health within their covered population. There’s also often a financial benefit to leaning into a whole-health approach.

    Many Premera dental plans don’t reduce the plan maximum when preventive treatment is received. All plans include preventive cleanings bi-annually, however for patients with periodontal disease, the plan allows the flexibility for additional periodontal cleanings otherwise known as periodontal maintenance.

    When a plan sponsor bundles dental and medical together with Premera, members have all related information available at Our recently refreshed Dental Health Center emphasizes how oral health promotes whole health. Of course, we have an ample network of credentialed dentists, but we approach dental as a part of a whole-person approach to making healthcare work better.

    To learn more about the dental plans available, please contact your Premera representative.

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