Group Market News
Published January 27, 2020
For producers who sell fully insured and OptiFlex business.
We make it simple and easy for your fully insured and OptiFlex customers to get acquainted with their Premera Blue Cross plan through our employer onboarding campaign. This year, we made many improvements to our onboarding campaign to ensure that employer groups
have the tools and resources to get started on their plan, inform their employees about it, and easily answer their employees' questions.
This campaign has two important elements: the digital employer guide and the email campaign.
Digital employer guide
- The new digital employer guide provides important information for employers, so they can be more efficient and self-reliant.
- All the information is in one convenient place – they can easily see the value of the plan they’ve chosen, all the resources available, and most importantly register for their secure employer website account, where they can handle most of their day-to-day
tasks of managing their plan.
- The digital guide also provides in-depth information about B’link, which is filled with member resources they can send to their employees to give them information on their plan.
Email campaign
- The campaign features a series of emails throughout their plan year.
- In their first month, employers will receive four emails that will introduce them to resources and tips that help them best manage their plan, like:
- Sign up for their secure employer account
- Learn how to pay their bill
- Know where to go to get employer news and updates
- In the months following, we’ll send employers a tip once per month that will help them get their employees engaged in their health plan. For example:
- Download the Premera mobile app
- Check out exclusive member discounts
- Preventive care
- Where to get care
- Behavioral health
- These emails provide information on important topics, and their content is in alignment with the member email content and provides links to B’link materials to share.