May 21, 2020
Several offices aren’t including the plan prefix and the ID number on their dental claim forms. The prefix tells us which plan is associated with the claim and where we need to send the claim to process. When the prefix isn’t included on the form, the payment process is delayed.
ZNP is the plan prefix for all our Medicare Advantage plans. Other plans will have a different prefix so check to make sure you’re including the correct member prefix on the form.
Here’s where to include the prefix and the member ID:

Need help with your Medicare Advantage patients?
- For questions about benefit verification, eligibility confirmation, and dental claims payment call the dental customer service number on the back of the member’s ID card, 855-612-7477.
- For questions about provider network status, fee schedules, and updating provider information, email provider network relations,
If you have more questions about our Medicare Advantage dental plans, visit our website where you’ll find important dental plan information and our contact us page.