Member Info Tips for Eligibility and Benefits Tool

  • November 2, 2017

    Thanks to great provider feedback, we've made even more improvements to our eligibility and benefits tool that we launched on August 29, including:

    “Show full member details” displays detailed member info

    To see detailed information for member, subscriber, group, and primary care provider, click on “Show full member  details” under the member ID-suffix. It will expand and open up with the information you're looking for.

    eligibility benefits

    “Plan details” shows the member's plan info and effective or termination dates.

    To see a member's plan information, including start date (or end date), look in “Plan details” as shown here:

    plan details

    Plan details include:

    • Network: Plan type and name
    • Effective: mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
    • Other coverage: Yes or No

    With the new eligibility and benefits design, the tool defaults to general medical. You can select a more detailed benefit from the drop-down list. This is especially helpful for benefits like physical therapy, mental health, dental, and vision.

    To see more helpful screenshots, check out our online tool guide.

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