Payment integrity news and updates
Payment integrity is the process of making sure healthcare claims are billed and paid accurately, both in pre-payment and post-payment steps of the claim adjudication process. Read the latest Premera Provider News and payment policy updates. To access claim status and claim editor tools, sign in to Availity.
Payment policies
Payment policies are primarily based on standard coding and billing guidelines. They are developed and maintained by the Premera Payment Integrity department. View payment
*Note: Payment policies don't address medical necessity criteria and are separate from medical policies. Medical necessity criteria are addressed though medical policies that are based on the highest level of available evidence for evolving
technologies, drugs, services, or supplies, and are maintained by Premera healthcare professionals and certified professional coders. View medical policies.
Payment Integrity Programs
Premera conducts claim editing, prepayment reviews, and hospital bill audits which align with industry standards such as:
- American Medical Association CPT Codebook
- Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) coding policies, local and national coverage determinations, and other related policies
- Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) procedure codes and guidelines
- Diagnosis-related group (DRG) guidelines
- International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding guidelines
- Nationally recognized medical academies and society guidelines (coding and clinical)
- National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC)
- Official UB-04 Data Specifications Manual
- OPTUM Uniform Billing Editor
- Premera payment policies
Claim editing
Premera uses multiple claim editors to analyze submitted claims against industry coding and billing standards and Premera payment policies. Each claim editor has an independent, distinct set of claim edits and claim exceptions.
Hospital bill review (pre-payment)
Premera conducts pre-payment hospital bill reviews to identify any potential errors, duplicate charges, capital equipment, routine services/supplies, unrelated charges, and non-separately billable charges. The outcome of the review may result in charges
being disallowed.
Note: A denial for high-dollar prepayment review are reflected on the explanation of payment (EOP) as "EA5: This claim requires a review." If you receive this edit, send the itemized bills to our third-party vendor. You'll receive a letter
with instructions to send these documents to the vendor. (Premera doesn't handle the itemized bill reviews for these denials.)
Hospital bill audit (post-payment)
Similar to pre-payment bill review, Premera conducts hospital bill audits to ensure appropriate billing. Medical records or other documentation may be requested from you to perform an audit. If medical records or other documentation isn't received within
the timeframe noted in the request letter (typically 90 days), the entire claim amount will be subject to a refund request and appeal rights will be forfeited. Facilities can request additional time to provide documents. The outcome of the audit may
result in overpayment requests due to charges being disallowed or the diagnosis-related group (DRG) being recalculated.
Coordination of benefits (COB)
Investigators and auditors identify and pursue overpayments due to members’ missing or inaccurate other health coverage information. Premera utilizes questionnaires and interviews with providers, employers, and members, as well as advanced data mining,
and reviews of medical records to determine if the health plan is primary or secondary insurer.
Subrogation permits the plan to recover payments when the negligence or wrongdoing of another causes a member personal illness or injury. Premera partners with an industry-leading subrogation firm to investigate third-party liability.
Provider billing errors
Post-payment editing programs, expert investigators, and auditors perform additional screens and tests where billing information is inconsistent with age, services rendered or where up-coding or unbundling of services appears.
If you have any questions about Payment Integrity programs, contact your Provider Network Management representative or sign in to Availity for further details.
Fraud, waste, and abuse
We abide by federal and state regulations concerning fraud, as well as our contract obligations to members and providers. To support this commitment, we have a special investigations unit to prevent fraud and abuse. If you suspect fraud, call the Anti-Fraud Hotline at 800-848-0244 or email