This chapter provides information about BlueCard and Shared Administration out-of-area claims. Shared administration is a business arrangement between multiple parties in the delivery and administration of healthcare benefits. Additional resources include our BlueCard Resources page, BlueCard web-based training in our Learning Center, and the Shared Administration contact list.
Administration of the BlueCard® Program
Providers in Idaho and Oregon
There can be an exception to the claims submission process for providers who practice in a county contiguous to another Blues plan, or in a county with overlapping Blues plans.
The back of the member's ID card states to submit claims to your “local” Blues plan. In some instances, this also means “contracted” if you are contracted with the member's plan. Submitting claims to your “local” Blues plan is correct for most states, except in the case of Idaho and Oregon providers, because Premera's service area overlaps with another Blue plan.
For more assistance, including information on where to submit your claims, see the plan prefix list on our BlueCard Resources page.
All BlueCard® claims processed by Premera are paid according to the terms of your contract with Premera Blue Cross.
Program exclusion
Claims for the Federal Employee Program (FEP) are exempt from the BlueCard Program. Please follow your FEP billing guidelines.
Where to submit claims
Local business (non-BlueCard)
Shared Administration
Shared Administration is one option for Premera to sell healthcare coverage to employees of national companies in our area. Shared Administration also allows Premera to serve accounts for other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield (BCBS) plans whose members work away from their company headquarters. Not all Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield national accounts are administered on the Shared Administration system.