Why we race for the cure

race for the cure Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Breast cancer affects us all. About 12 percent of American women will get breast cancer in their lifetime. This is particularly important in Washington, among the top 5 states for the disease.

But organizations like Susan G. Komen Puget Sound have shifted the tide. Breast cancer-related deaths decreased 38 percent between 1989 and 2014. This translates to 300,000 lives saved, according to Susan G. Komen.

There's still work to do. That's why Premera backs Race for the Cure. It's Komen's signature fundraising event for breast cancer research.

“It's a terrific organization and it does so much for the Pacific Northwest community,” said Jim Havens, a senior vice president at Premera. “From education, early detection, and patient navigation, Susan G. Komen touches tens of thousands of women.”

young woman checking phone

Breast health and mammogram coverage

Learn more about mammograms and how Premera covers breast health services.

Breast health

For Jim, it's personal.

“When my wife and I first moved to Washington, my wife's best friend was battling stage 4 breast cancer. That really became the catalyst for our family's heavy involvement with the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.”

Her attitude deeply affected Jim, making him an advocate for breast cancer awareness. “She fought breast cancer with so much grace,” Jim said. “Even through the ups and downs of remission. And she didn't let the disease define her. The last time she participated in Race for the Cure she was in a wheelchair due to her treatment.”

Race for the Cure raises funds for research efforts and access to key health services.

The event takes place at Seattle Center on June 3. You can register for the race here.

Come visit the Premera booth on race day and say hello to our special guest Angie Mentink of Root Sports, grab a pink Mariner’s hat or take a photo in our photo booth.

Race for the Cure Puget Sound event details

Date: Sunday, June 3
Start time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: Seattle Center

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