When it comes to getting bang for the exercise buck, walking may be among the best ways to go. It's easy and low cost, not to mention social and scenic. And recent research has shown that walking can be just as helpful as more strenuous forms of exercise when it comes to the overall health benefits of an active lifestyle.
An added benefit to walking here in Washington is that our state offers up plenty of natural beauty to set the perfect backdrop. From mountains and forests to burbling creeks and charming neighborhoods, there is no shortage of scenery and terrain for wonderful walks in Washington.
Here's a look at 10 great walks for anyone who calls Washington home.
King County
Discovery Park Loop
Mileage: 3 You'll likely see birds, flowers, tall trees, and some stunning views of Puget Sound and Seattle on this lovely stroll through one of the Emerald City's true urban gems.
Myrtle Edwards Park
Mileage: 1.25 This Seattle bike and pedestrian path winds along Elliott Bay, with expansive views of Mount Rainier and the Olympics off in the distance.
Pierce County
Tacoma Waterfront
Mileage: Varies The bustling waterfront trail is flat and paved, and offers up glimpses of the Port of Tacoma and Mount Rainier. And, if you work up a hunger or thirst on your walk, there are plenty of restaurants along the way.
Spanaway Park Loop Trail
Mileage: 3 A quiet loop wends its way through this pretty park, past wetlands, a sandy beach and scenic Spanaway Lake, just 14 miles south of Tacoma.
Snohomish County
Centennial Trail
Mileage: Varies This wildly popular trail runs along the old Burlington-Northern railroad line for an easy 30 miles between Arlington and Snohomish. Hop on at any of 12 trailheads for a stretch of the legs through peaceful forests, quiet farmland and expansive Northwest views.
Spencer Island
Mileage: 3-5 Just outside Everett, Spencer Island is a flat stroll into the Snohomish River Estuary that's full of intrigue: wildlife, a unique and historic bridge and clear-day views of Mount Baker, Pilchuck and Three Fingers.
Thurston County
Mission Creek Nature Park
Mileage: 1 You might not find yourself alone in this 37-acre wetland park—it is, after all, within the city of Olympia and encircled by neighborhoods—but you will find yourself refreshed after a walk through its swaying trees and past its meadowy open spaces.
Percival Landing Boardwalk
Mileage: 1 It's hard to beat the waterfront mountain views and interesting public art along this easy Budd Bay stroll in Olympia.
Spokane County
Spokane River Centennial Trail
Mileage: Varies The section of this 37-mile long trail that runs through downtown Spokane is a great way to get out and stretch the legs with some urban flavor balanced by the river's natural flow.
Ben Burr Trail
Mileage: Up to 2 miles This short trail was built along the old Spokane and Inland Empire Railroad Company's line, so it's a nice stroll between Underhill and Liberty parks in Spokane.
Premera Blue Cross is an HMO and HMO-POS plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Premera Blue Cross depends on contract renewal.